[VIDEO] How To (Conquer/Eliminate) Shoulder Pain
in 5 Unexpected, But Highly Effective Steps
Loosen and Relax Your Tight, Constricted Shoulders
In This Easy-to-Follow Interactive Video Session
Come join Injury Specialist and Kinesiologist Rick Kaselj, MS who has16+ years of hands-on experience, and a masters degree in exercise science.
In this breakthrough 13-minute video report — Rick Kaselj will teach you how to hack easy posture and alignment tricks to unload the burden from your tight shoulders, increase your energy with enlivened & reactivated muscles, and feel more comfortable at your desk.
Here are the 5 Shoulder Pain Hacks you will learn:
- “The Rounded Shoulder Effect” are you suffering from this common posture problem? Find out, and how to fix it in minutes.
- How To Use “Belly Breathing” to fight the three major stress targets
- Eliminating inflammatory foods to reduce muscle pain from the inside out (lessons I’ve learned working with thousands of clients)
- The 2 Essential Micronutrients Your Body Is Probably Missing
- 3 exercises that breathe life into stiff shoulders…that you can do almost anywhere
Remember, this video is my completely free gift to you. And what is definitely is NOT, is a sneaky tactic to show you a 30-second tip and aggressively pitch my product…
...you get thirteen high-quality minutes of pain attacking methods, and step-by-step examples you can pause and rewind if you need to. Refer back to this for days, weeks, years if you need to refresh.
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